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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Incubus is coming to Istanbul!!

Incubus'un sadece 1 şarkısını çok sevmeme rağmen manevi öneminden dolayı bu konseri kaçırmak istemiyorum.. 8Mart'ta Beşiktaş Arena'da! Biletler için tıklayın! http://www.biletix.com.tr/webbiletix/wtsEvent.do?eventCode=GNCU2

Friday, January 19, 2007

Akbank Yeni (2.) Reklam Filmi

En sevdigim reklam!!

Mac World yine yapti yapicagini:)

Daha piyasaya çıkmadan herkesin dilindeki telefon!

Pazarlama böyle birsey iste.. :)

merak edenler icin http://www.apple.com/iphone/

Thursday, January 04, 2007

we celebrated the new year at Kartanesi Hotel Uludag. We just played pocker and Americano! and eat, drink and sleep was the only activities I did:) I am totally not lucky at card plays so I had to drink 3 shots of vodka and eat the whole desert menus on the bufe! shit! I got 2 kg already from these bets! I started to the new year by loosing these games and my money :(.. I hope I will be lucky the rest of the year!
Happy New Year to you all!