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Sunday, August 29, 2010

girly or not girly!

There are many rumors about Fitflop. Some says they are really working and helping people to shape their body. Some people say it can harm your body if you over use. Personally, I hated their shape and style that's why I didn't want to use. Like Sketchers sneakers which are high in bottom looks very ugly and not girly at all.

Nowadays I really don't understand the fashion. All the things made for girls look like them as a boy. Look at the shoes.. I don't know why they want to look like a man. Ok, maybe they are comfy but no matter what I don't see a point in this fashion.

The latest fashion Toms shoes are also another type of very masculine look shoes. Sorry but my fashion level is not good enough to understand these. Please girls don't try to be comfortable if you are going to look like men! I know it's painful but it is worth it to look like women!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Once again Turkish food is leading!

If you are not tried Turkish food yet, you are way behind in your food journey in your life.. Everything you taste in USA from Middle East food brings its roots from Turkish cuisine. (I am not a historian and this is based on my personal experience.) I love all Turkish dishes, especially cold ones. If you wanna eat healthy, light but delicious food just go to Turkey... there is no better food in the world. It is not greesy, not fatty but so tasty... I am so sorry for people who had to feed their children with fast food where they can feed them with these homemade foods...
Missing my home...
Here is the recent article about Turkish cuisine's success and fame:

Eat Pray Love

It was an inspiring book for every woman in my family including me. It was a book that shows the other side of the world. Not about money or possessions. It was about a lonely, lost soul that tries to find a meaning to live. It always made me think and question my life. How can we avoid the capitalist world's enforcements? How can we not think social pressure on us? I don't know how but I think people who do like Liz Gilbert are finding the true happiness even though majority of the population will not understand them. Who cares.. if you can smile, if you can avoid negative thoughts of others it is worth it to be look like insane! I AM IN! I WANNA SMILE LIKE A SILLY PERSON IF I WILL FEEL HAPPY INSIDE!

And for the last time Julia Roberts was perfect in the movie. She is a phenomenal person, mother and human being. her face is always looks like happy with a big smile like mine! ahhaha.. and I loved her quote for her family in Elle Magazine “The children became the shooting stars of him, of that thing we have. How lucky we are that we love each other so much that we burst into three pieces.”

Wish everyone to be really feel happy not act like it...